Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And they are in.....!

I'm not talking about articles although I like that idea too!

I'm talking about taxes....I've been waiting on my husband to complete our taxes so we could take them to our tax man....and my husband has been waiting on some papers from the bank so he could do his "figuring".... Finally we got them. Today we have an appt to turn them in....I love getting those kind of jobs completed.

But I also love turning articles in....even IF I have to wait to hear that they are accepted.
One really small article that I wrote for a book about six years ago is hopefully going to
make it in. The editor wrote last month and said she has gotten the go on the book and once
she makes contact with all the authors and gets their signed okays....the book will forge ahead.
That's really nice after all this time....and the article has to do with NE PA where I'm heading....
which is also nice.

I also did send in an article for a possible book (although I won't know for months)
and I'm hoping to complete one more before we leave for Florida. My family and friends won't believe it....especially my immediate family....but I am actually setting goals now for how much
I hope to accomplish each month. We'll see how that works.....I'll let you know!

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