Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Florida, Pennsylvania, and .....Israel

This is most likely our last week in Florida .....we should be on the road to Montrose, PA by next week. That is the three of us. John, my husband and Ethan, our oldest son, and myself. We have been in Fl since January and it has been a momentous few months. We have done a lot of writing and a lot of praying. Ethan came home in December after having lived and worked in Israel for the past nine years. Now he is going back to Israel, God willing, in late June or July. God has opened the door for him to be the office manager/grant writer for http://www.shevet.org/

Shevet is a Christian organization that works with children from surrounding countries who would die without a heart operation. These children are brought into Israel and the Jewish doctors contribute their services while the hospitals provide services at cost. Jonathan Miles founded the organization in the 1990's.

Ethan was first approached about working for them in December and as time has passed, it is becoming a reality. He is looking forward to returning as his "heart" is in Israel. So most of his writing at the moment is in connection with Shevet although he hopes to return to writing articles for a Torah class website soon and also for a possible Hebraic Roots book.

I'm "catching up" and trying to get ready to go so I'm not having an opportunity to write too much per se right now. But hopefully soon I will be settled in Montrose and able to pick up the pen and concentrate. John is busy writing his website. In fact, he has an appt today and before long his website should be up and running! He is really excited about it.

Writing of all types is wonderful when you are doing it for the ONE who makes it all worthwhile.

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