Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Preliminary to Christmas

Tonight my husband John and I are going to J and J's....a fairly new restaurant here in Montrose located above the green. We are going to do our "tradition." I actually wrote an article about it entitled "Our Thanksgiving Christmas Tradition." When I mentioned the possibility of it to a "pro" at a writers conference, she discouraged me saying there would be no market. But I went ahead and wrote it and sold it to Catholic Digest and then reprints to Purpose and Standard. Sometimes the pros are wrong! To make tonight even sweeter, I'm using my $20 gift certificate. Periodically a local paper has a random weekly drawing for different local restaurants and it's nice to have won for an evening out. The Men's Prayer group meets at J and J's every Weds morning from our local church. John is a regular so has gotten to know the young, new owners quite well.

I should tell you "our tradition." We take all of last years Christmas letters and after we eat, we leisurely sit and reread (at least) most of them. Then when we send our Christmas card and letter, we are up-to-date (within a year) of what has happened to the people we are corresponding with! And it makes a fun date night. IF it seems to go too long, we return home and finish reading them.

I wrote my article for Oswego Alliance and hopefully will see it in print before long. That was fun to write!

1 comment:

Terri Tiffany said...

It sounds really fun! I like the tradition that you read the letters again:) And yay that you sold that same article so many times!